All posts by Tommy Woodsmall

Gigglebytes: I May Be Old, but at Least I’m Not Accurate

In the last five to six years, we in the survey field have been … let’s see how to put this delicately … free of insect bites and ticks, warm and dry, depressed, and disgusted, and we have had to attempt creative ways to pay the bills. But, as the economy improves, hope has begun to...

Field Hazards: A Two-Copperhead Tuesday

It’s hot, dang hot here in Georgia. It’s so hot, you wish somebody would hit you in the head with a wet squirrel and cool you off! As a 56-year-old registered surveyor/party chief/instrument man/rodman/cad tech and office cleaner, I’m tired, hot, mosquito bit, chigger infested, and Grand-Central-Station for all of the ticks trying to get...