xyHt OUTLOOK supplement 2017 banner, 40 Under 40

40 Under 40, 2017: Carla Gibson Boisvert



CARLA GIBSON BOISVERT HAS MORE THAN SEVEN YEARS’ EXPERIENCE as a geomatics specialist in the mining and exploration field, with a focus on Saskatchewan and its unique mapping challenges. Peers have noted Carla’s ability to rapidly overcome such challenges and master essential skills.

With a bachelors of geography in physical/technical geography (with honors) and an advanced GIS diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology, her expertise lies in analyzing data, solving problems, and producing value-added maps. Knowledge of data produced from potash, uranium, and oil and gas mines has increased her expertise in mapping for engineers, biologists, and geologists.

Within the scope of engineering, biology, and hydrogeology, Carla has worked on tailings-management area planning as well as aquifer, surface water, and subsidence mapping. Mapping of rare plant and animal species as well as habitat classification were an integral aspect of her experience. In addition, she has specific training in ground-based lidar (using such software as Polyworks) for engineering projects such as tailings pile movement and potash tunnel subsidence.

Series Navigation<< 40 Under 40, 2017: Kate Fairlie40 Under 40, 2017: Marc M. Delgado >>

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