All posts by Shelly Cox

Launch of INTERGEO 2017: Topics that get the geo-IT sector noticed
Berlin, 16 May 2017 3, 2, 1 and lift-off. The 2017 INTERGEO season is underway, with a programme fully reflecting its long-standing key focus – “Knowledge and action for planet Earth”. Once again in 2017, the leading international trade fair for geodesy, geoinformation and land management’s hot topics will highlight ground-breaking developments and projects of...

Smart Cartography
Six examples of how old-fashioned navigation aids have been transformed into today’s smart maps Berlin, Germany 25, April 2017 | The 65th Cartography Conference run by the German Society for Cartography (DGfK) in 2017 is dedicated to smart cartography. At INTERGEO 2017, the community is showcasing its credentials as an innovative scientific discipline that excels...

Topcon announces Mustang prize delivered to Elite Survey Suite contest winner
Topcon Positioning Group announces its Elite Survey Suite contest winner has accepted the new 2017 Ford Mustang GT Fastback grand prize. The Mustang was delivered to Rosen Penkov of R.V. Anderson Associates Limited at the GeoShack Concord, Ontario office. Participants in the U.S. and Canada who entered the contest demoed the Topcon Elite Survey Suite...

ILMF and ASPRS Annual Conference to Take Place Together in Denver in 2018
ILMF Annual Conference plus ASPRS Annual Conference equals… Diversified Communications, organizer of International LiDAR Mapping Forum (ILMF) and the American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ASPRS) announced that their annual geospatial events will take place together in Denver in 2018. Lisa Murray, Director of ILMF, made the announcement with ASPRS President Charles Toth during...

MAPPS, NSPS Announce 2017 National Surveying, Mapping & Geospatial Conference
Not your typical exhibit hall! TECH TIME SESSIONS Meet More People – Schedule Follow-up Discussions The 2017 MAPPS-NSPS National Surveying, Mapping & Geospatial Conference will feature “Tech Time”, a speed dating/speed mentoring concept which offers to those whose role is typically that of “exhibitor” the opportunity to be a “participant”, and to meet more people. Your...

Next Big Thing Contest
We challenge our readership help us identify The Next Big Thing. Do you know of a new geospatial technology or system of operations that you believe will transform the way you work? Tell us about it to win $500! Tech and non-tech ideas will all be considered. Write an abstract of about 200 words (or...