Category Archives: Education

Aiming Beyond the Sale

Elevating Service and Trust in Today’s Geospatial Equipment Market In today’s market, the relationship between dealers and manufacturers is a unique differentiator for businesses. When these partnerships are built on service, support, and trust, success is inevitable. Dealers who understand this can weather market storms and experience growth. “Relationships are everything!” That’s how Bryce Scala,...

Are Surveyors Professionals or Merely Technicians?

Legal Boundaries This is a question that has haunted the surveying profession for years if not decades. A second related question is: What’s the difference? Curtis Brown addressed this issue in an article he wrote that in 1961 that was published in the ACSM’s Surveying and Mapping magazine, entitled “The Professional Status of Land Surveyors.”...

Alcatraz from Above and Below

Looking Forward When xyHt author Juan B. Plaza phoned me and said he had access to information and data generated from a recent geospatial project on Alcatraz Island and that he wanted to provide the magazine with a story, I thought, well, that’s pretty cool. In our February issue this year I had written a...

Get Kids Into Survey

We are once again proud to support Get Kids Into Survey to print and distribute their most recent poster. Click the image below to enlarge.

Testifying as an Expert 

Legal Boundaries A boundary dispute case, or any case involving surveying, surveyors, landowners, and property rights (“property disputes”) is a different breed of civil litigation from most others. There are many unique aspects of this type of litigation not common to other cases.   The biggest difference is that the parties are paying for the litigation...

Is It Really Impossible?

Looking Forward As the saying goes, it’s only impossible until it’s not. In the past when I’ve heard, or used, this bon mot I would think of the moon landing in 1969. I think of all the early astronomers who gazed at and intensely studied heavenly bodies, using them for navigation and location while knowing...