All posts by Charles “Tony” Nettleman III, Esq, PhD, PSM

Three Critical Skills of a Land Surveyor Expert Witness
By Tony Nettleman (Part Two) Serving as an expert witness and testifying in court is enjoyable, fulfilling, and a great supplemental offering within your land surveying practice. While providing these services for the previous 20-plus years, I discovered three critical skills that will aid the surveyor in being the best expert witness they can be. ...

Why Serving as an Expert Witness Makes You a More Competent Land Surveyor
In my personal experience, many land surveyors that are contacted by attorneys decline the opportunity to serve as an expert witness. The reasons why the surveyor chooses not to accept the expert work are varied, ranging from the concern that their new client will be too demanding on their time to the apprehension that their...

Avoiding Professional Negligence
Being “served” a lawsuit alleging wrongdoing by a past client is probably a worst-nightmare scenario for practicing surveyors. The good news is that – statistically – the vast majority of professionals will never be sued.

Expand Your Horizons, by Measuring Water Boundaries
If you are like the average Professional Land Surveyor, your practice area has been in a certain sub-specialty such as land boundaries, construction stakeout, or topographic mapping for years or decades. Water boundaries? Not so much. You are very good at what you do, enjoy it, and have built a profitable niche in your community....

Use This Down Time to Become a Better Surveyor
Coming Out Smarter, Stronger, and More Valuable After the Surveying Slowdown is Over Unprecedented times have the world economy racing toward a potential recession and possibly taking the land surveying profession with it. In many parts of the United States surveying is at a near standstill with the shutdown of non-essential businesses due to the...

Passing the California PLS Exam, Part 2
Exam content, lessons from taking the exam, and recommendations for study methods. Are you interested in passing the California PLS state-specific exam and becoming a California Professional Land Surveyor? If yes, then read on! I just passed my California PLS exam in May 2019 and can share my experiences with you. This article covers exam...