Tag Archives: AEC

Taking care of Business
Kompass offers business a management solution built by surveyors

Questions & Answers: AI and AEC
Can artificial intelligence infuse more profit in the architecture, engineering, and construction process? And when will that happen?

Sounds Good
Using powerful simulation algorithms, this young and award-winning acoustics software startup from Iceland is making sound visible. No wonder it’s already creating a buzz in the BIM community. For Finnur Pind and Jesper Pedersen, success started inside a dark and windowless basement. Backed by a research grant in 2020 and a free room down in...

The Extended Entity of Autodesk
Has Autodesk become too large? Too diverse? Did the software get too complex? Or are those concerns missing the point? We’re far from the day when we can think of something we’d like and it simply materializes: there’s still a long path between ideation and realization. But, for more than three decades the path between...

Blending Realities
A 3D design and visualization tool with phenomenal potential in the AEC world is coming from a collaboration between Microsoft and Trimble. Imagine designing an object, in 3D and color, using only gaze, gestures, and voice (GGV) commands. Imagine designing an entire building the same way—or modifying an existing one. Imagine moving in a physical...

Optical Monitoring
Above: Imetrum’s portable, long-range, camera-based monitoring system was used in the benchmarking trial. How reliable are optical monitoring techniques for civil engineering structures? Editor’s Note: Camera-based systems have long been used in industrial metrology for manufacturing, materials testing, and integrity monitoring. Now they’re finding utility in the “macro” realms of AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction). Many people in the...