Tag Archives: legal

xyHt Magazine Digital Edition: December 2021

Like a good surveyor, xyHt‘s December issue covers a lot of ground. This month we bring you stories about surveying, lidar, legal issues and an in-depth look at the emerging post-processing kinematic technology. As always, if you don’t have a subscription to our print edition, or if someone else in the office has snaffled your copy,...

Incompetence V. Negligence

Do incompetence and negligence mean the same thing? If you check standard references on torts, it seems that while negligence is a stand-alone tort (a civil wrong), incompetence is not. Incompetence is sometimes referred to as an element of the tort of negligence and incompetents are sometimes put away for their own good and the...

UAV News: Recent Court Cases

  Here are two recent court cases involving the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) andusers of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). In both cases, the FAA’s position that their 2007 policy memorandum on UAVs, particularly in regard to their being used for commercial purposes, was found to be not legally binding. Rafael Pirker v. FAA In this court case,...