Category Archives: Lidar/Imaging

From Traditional Photogrammetry to UAS
Photogrammetry has changed substantially in the past three decades. When Jeff Yates began in the business 32 years ago, he used a projection system known as a Kelsh two-bucket plotter. “That was four generations ago of photogrammetric systems hardware,” he recalls. “From there, we went to the analog stereo plotter. That was the second big...

We Can Do This
“It was not a matter of ‘if’ we could do this project,” said Brian Mayfield, Atlantic’s president and chief operating officer. “It was a matter of how. Then there was the question of ‘Exactly how remote is Nunavut?’ What are the conditions, and what resources would be available?” The proposed project site, in an uninhabited...

Create an Awesome 3D Map in Minutes in #QGIS
Until recently, 3D has been a bit of a gimmick to the everyday GIS user, by this I mean that it has been quite time consuming to create a GOOD 3D representation (easily) until now. I’ve used some great 3D software whilst working on survey data and also visualisation of environmental impacts, Fledermaus, ArcScene, Sketchup,...

Autodesk and Measurement
“After all of these years, I’m really happy to be able to say that Autodesk is now truly in the measurement business,” says Pete Kelsey, Autodesk’s strategic projects executive. Though he was quick to add qualifiers to that statement: “We are not in the measurement hardware business, but we are now more closely aligned with...

The UAS Scene
The Association for Unmanned Systems International is a 10-year old association dedicated to tracking products, research, and applications for unmanned vehicles. This year’s conference in May in Orlando brought over 6,500 conference-goers to see products and information at the booths of over 500 exhibitors. The primary focus of the conference was airborne vehicles, but marine...

State of: Surveying
Surveying is the timeless science and profession of geographic measurement and boundary determination that has evolved over the centuries, constantly improving with advancements in technology to keep pace with the world around it. One aspect, however, has not and should not change: the fact that surveying is a profession. Per professional licensure and supporting laws,...