Category Archives: Press Releases

xyHt Links: 10/25/14
PacifiCAD has partnered and co-branded Eagle Point’s Pinnacle Series to deliver the PacXone HYPACK 2015 Hydrographic Training Event Optech showcasing revolutionary new sensor solutions at ChinterGEO2014 Newest SuperGIS Network Analyst 3.2 Geocue Announces Release of LP360 2014.1 Hemisphere GNSS Offers New Survey-Grade GNSS Antennas New Trimble Products Focus on Geospatial Imagery GITA is on the...

xyHt Links: 10/17/14
Juniper Systems’ New Rugged Handheld Offers Unparalleled Efficiency for Data-Intensive Applications NCTech ColourCloud Exelis adds night capability to CorvusEye wide area airborne surveillance system 3D Robotics Launches New 3DR Mapping Platforms for Fully Automated, All-in-One 2D and 3D Mapping Drone Packages SPAR Call for Papers Dewberry Selected for USGS National Assessment of Hydrography Data Routescene Presents...

xyHt links: 10/10/2014
Better Resolution with More Details for 3D City Modeling Optech announces integrated airborne camera boresight and mobile INS drift control Mapbox and Pix4D partner up to allow one-click upload of orthomosaics Applanix Introduces New Solution for Cost-Effective and High-Accuracy Directly Georeferenced Mapping from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles RIEGL launches the RiCOPTER Unmanned Aerial System at Intergeo...

xyHt Links: 10/3/14
Phase One Aerial Adds iXA-R Camera Platform; Introduces the iX Camera Controller Global Land Carbon Intelligence – New Forest Land Classification Data Set Launched Optech launches new survey technologies at INTERGEO Interactive Esri Maps Explore Poverty in the US and Across the Globe WaldoAir Corp introduces the first complete large format, low cost mapping and...

xyHt Links: 9/26/14
Leica Lino L2G+ Cross-Line Laser: 400% Improved Visibility with Green Laser Technology Arithmetica Launches SphereVision 360 Degree Video Mapping Software New Portable NIR Spectrometer- QualitySpec® Trek, ASD Inc. 3D city models: “No longer just for the sake of it Falling Prices Will Spur Innovation, Competition in High-Precision GNSS Market from Inside GNSS MAPPS Awards 2014...

xyHt Links: 9/19/14
ION Recognizes Pratap Misra with Kepler Award MAPPS Selected for FAA Working Group on UAS Handheld’s NAUTIZ X4 Rugged Computer for the Mobile Worker Now Also with Android Global Mapper V16 Released with 3D Tools Including HD Fly-Through Geospatial Corporation Enters Into Definitive Agreement To Acquire ShaleNavigator Forensic Security and Metrology Conference MAPPS Applauds Introduction...