All posts by Brian Raber

The Mission of MAPPS
View from Above MAPPS president Kelly Francis talks about the exciting future of the trade association This article is the first in a series of four focusing on a trade association that recently celebrated its 40th anniversary and continues making meaningful impacts in the geospatial community. The first article is an interview with Kelly Francis,...

Digitizing America’s Coast
Legislation passed by congress and signed by the president codifies NOAA’s exemplary digital coast program Geospatial professionals and coastal communities are celebrating the passage of the Digital Coast Act (DCA) by remembering the coordinated efforts from the numerous public and private stakeholders that were necessary to help pass this important legislation. The intent of this...

Point Clouds for Water Conservation
Image above: The Lake Mead region of Las Vegas, Nevada. A project to identify and quantify irrigated landscapes in Las Vegas demonstrates the advantages of using lidar to save precious natural resources. Persistent drought conditions in the western United States are dramatically reflected in the steady diminution, over the past 15 years, of Lake Mead,...