All posts by Marc Delgado, PhD

Sounds Good

Using powerful simulation algorithms, this young and award-winning acoustics software startup from Iceland is making sound visible. No wonder it’s already creating a buzz in the BIM community. For Finnur Pind and Jesper Pedersen, success started inside a dark and windowless basement. Backed by a research grant in 2020 and a free room down in...

On the House

Free data make the mapping world go round Reliable geospatial data used to be hard to find and expensive. But thanks to the profusion of online data repositories, it’s now at our fingertips for free. It is telling that one of the first websites where mapmakers can have access to free satellite imagery was created...

Virtual Cities Are Rising

Cutting-edge 3D city models lead the way to better urban planning via digital simulation Take a peek at Helsinki’s virtual 3D city model and what might at first seem to be just rows of solid objects soon reveal themselves as handsome blocks of buildings that line gridiron streets. This is the digital doppelganger of Finland’s...

Every Drop Counts

With help from GIS, these five megacities are future-proofing their water infrastructures so that sufficient water supply will no longer be a pipe dream. Megacities are a thirsty lot. These large and overpopulated metropolises have greater than 10 million inhabitants who consume more water than what their reservoirs can supply. Water shortages are commonplace, and...

That Scan-Do Spirit

Preserving heritage sites and objects is a race against time and elements. But thanks to scanning technologies, experts are now more confident humanity’s cultural legacy can be saved. One of the most iconic and visited landmarks in the world is the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. So, it came as a shock on the evening of...

A BIM of Hope for the Environment

This innovative building information modeling tool aims to reduce the construction sector’s carbon footprint. But unlike other practices, it begins at the design phase. The construction sector is in a conundrum. Decades of non-stop sawing and hammering have been wonderful for the world’s economy yet dismal for the environment. In the latest figures from the...