Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech

Safe ‘n Sound: Distancing in Construction

IoT technology is helping workers maintain social distancing on the job site during the pandemic and making contact tracing easier. And it all starts with a beep. Months into the pandemic, construction workers in the U.S. already know the drill by heart: don a hard hat, wear a mask, wash your hands and keep distancing from...

Running Interference

Is Ligado Networks’ proposed terrestrial nationwide network a threat to GPS or a boon to 5G? The Global Positioning System has always faced challenges inherent in its design (weak signal, orbital and clock errors, receiver noise, dilution of precision), as well as from natural phenomena (ionospheric and tropospheric delays, solar flares), local topography and the built environment...

The Early Days of 3D Scanning: Part 7

1998: The Public Unveiling of 3D Scanning  In my prior “insider” articles for this series (monthly, starting with the June 2020 issue), I described how in 1996 I became aware of 3D laser scanning while the technology was in development. In March 1998, I left a senior product marketing position with Trimble to join the...

Doers: Matt LaLuzerne

LaLuzerne is Strategic Growth Director, GPI Geospatial and incoming president of  the Florida Region of ASPRS  xyHt: How did you get started in the geospatial industry?  LaLuzerne: During my undergraduate studies at the University of Florida, I focused heavily on pre-engineering courses to prepare myself for civil engineering. I would always see a small advertisement in the...

Survey Says: Height of Mount Everest is Two Feet More

Since 1856 China and Nepal have argued over the actual height of Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain that sits on the border between the two countries in the Himalaya Mountains. Until today (December 8, 2020), Nepal has measured Everest at 29,029 feet. That counts the ice cap on top of the actual height of...

The Early Days of 3D Scanning, Part 6

1998: Launching 3D Laser Scanning into the Market I had the good fortune to be deeply involved with a pioneering vendor of 3D laser scanners and point cloud software. As I consider where that technology is today – a multi-billion dollar per year industry, the valuable benefits it has delivered to so many organizations and...