Category Archives: Robotics

See Spot Scan: Robots in Your Workplace
Performing construction work in an operating airport is a complex and challenging project. Doing so in the 20th-busiest airport in the world requires an experienced team, an innovative approach, and even, thanks to Boston Dynamics, a robotic dog named Spot. With its internationally recognized snowy-peaked roof design and award-winning hotel extension, the airport owned by...

Technology to Buy Into: Riding High on AI
Artificial intelligence is making huge waves in the geospatial industry, changing how location information and BIMs are created from big data. Meet three startups at the forefront. (Image above: By applying computer vision to street imagery, Mapillary detects map data at scale.) Startups in the AEC realm have skyrocketed over the last decade. The availability...

Robotics Above, On, and Underwater
Demo-ing Drones at UAS Colorado’s “Robotics on the Rez” Event In the September 10th issue of Pangaea we talked about Future Prepping: getting ready for the next generation of geospatial technology. I’d like to add another educational resource to that list: product demos. Product demonstrations are a great way to get a hands-on look at...

Outstanding Geospatial Trends at INTERGEO 2019
INTERGEO, the world’s largest summit in positioning and geospatial tech, wrapped up last week in Stuttgart, Germany, proving that even after 25 years it still can be a great show. It’s the biggest geospatial event of the year where companies around the world showcase their current innovations for the industry, and the xyHt team was...

In the Blink of an AI
If we were to believe Steven Spielberg’s version of the future, curiously, robots can’t blink. It seems like mechas, as the life-like robots in his movie AI: Artificial Intelligence are called, lack the AI codes to involuntarily close and open their mechanical eyelids. Notice how almost all robots in Hollywood movies follow the same no-blinking pattern. Watch The Terminator movies, if you don’t...

Jacky C.K. Chow
President, Vusion Technologies Calgary, Canada Jacky Chow is a passionate and talented researcher in the fields of sensor fusion, robotics, machine learning, calibration, biomedical imaging, and numerical optimization. His work covers a broad scope of applications, from calibrating omnidirectional cameras for robot vision to using photogrammetric techniques for monitoring of burns patients. Although he has...