Tag Archives: Galileo

xyHt News Links: 3/11/16
Trimble 4D Control Software Supports IBIS-FM Radar Device for Slope Stability and Structural Monitoring in Mining TerraGo Launches On-Demand Solution for Mobile Forms, Inspections and Surveys Topcon announces new geodetic antenna Maptek modelling and exploration technology on show at PDAC Teledyne Optech Press Release: Innovative solutions for bathymetry at Oceanology International 2016 3DR collaborates with...

Above: The third satellite in IRNSS being tested before its successful launch. What Did Not Happen and Increases, Improvements, Innovations Sometimes the most telling precursors of the future are things that did not happen. By all accounts, 2014 should be remembered a horrible, terrible, very bad GNSS year with botched launches, toxic broadcast ephemerides, near peak...