All posts by Gavin Schrock

Pangaea: The Next ‘X’: UX5 UAS

Amid a flood of UAS news, Gatewing announces a noteworthy addition to their fleet. It almost seems as if there is a new Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)-related announcement every ten minutes. Trimble, that has already generated a lot of buzz over its Trimble Gatewing X100, announced a new entry to its product line on June...

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xyHt: What Does It Mean?

Why did we pick an obscure geodetic expression as the name of our magazine? It’s not all that obscure—it represents a foundational element requisite to nearly all human endeavor. It touches your life explicitly and in the abstract. All of the ways that humans have measured and gauged their world, each of the conventions they...

GNSS Next: Dream Time: Chip-scale Atomic Clocks

“We all have our time machines. Some take us back, they’re called memories. Some take us forward, they’re called dreams.” —Jeremy Irons Global Navigation Satellites may revolve around the world, but the world of Global Positioning Satellites revolves around atomic clocks, and each satellite typically carries multiple atomic clocks. These are very sophisticated (and very...

Educational Partnerships

Two unique surveying programs develop partnerships with professional associations and industry, for the benefit of all. “We need to prepare students for their future, not our past.” —Ian Jukes, educator and futurist   PSM has had the pleasure of profiling many fine surveying programs and schools over the years. Every time we explore an aspect of...

Creating the Futuristic Worlds of 3D

We interviewed Autodesk’s technology futurist Jordan Brandt, appropriately, in the Autodesk Gallery at their One Market offices in San Francisco. The Gallery, open to the public and the venue for monthly techie events, is a showcase for eye-popping examples of the types of innovation Autodesk’s customers have been producing for more than three decades. It...