Category Archives: GNSS/Location Tech
Advancing GNSS
A Profile of Septentrio Editor’s note: The name Septentrio may not be familiar to you, but after their formal acquisition of Altus (with which Septentrio has collaborated for a decade) you may be hearing more about this internationally recognized, high-precision GNSS developer. A leader in GNSS research and development since 1999, Septentrio has a...
Location Technology
Terms and Uses Below is an infographic of location technology: end-use sectors, example activities, types of technology typically employed, and respective precision ranges. To help make sense of this complexity, we have developed several categories of location technology. None truly stands alone (as all employ at least some complementary technologies), but we have noted what prevalent...
Indoor Positioning
The next frontier in personal navigation poses both limits and promise. Imagine that you’re disembarking from an airplane at Chicago O’Hare airport. You have a connection to Seattle for an important customer meeting. Your smartphone begins to buzz; you’re informed that your connecting flight is pre-boarding. But you’re not worried. Your smartphone provides indoor directions...
The Value of Location Tech
The term “location tech” has been around for a long time, but recently it seems to have been co-opted by Silicon Valley and the makers of consumer technologies. This is epitomized by the most prevalent tech that has rudimentary but ubiquitous location capability: phones. It’s estimated that as many as 65% of cellphone apps access...
Enmapp’s Customers Reap the Benefit of the Mobile Revolution
Above: Enmapp provides pipeline construction monitoring and quality assurance to some of the world’s largest energy companies. With the price of crude half what it was only a year ago, and the price of natural gas not faring that much better, a trip through the oil patch shows production only where it is deemed economically...
Outlook 2016: 40 Under 40
In this annual issue focused on the future, we offer “40 under 40” (or “40<40”): a collection of profiles of motivated and noteworthy young professionals under 40 years of age. It is our wish that these profiles will honor those who work tirelessly to promote geospatial fields and to provide inspiration for young people considering...