
Heads-up Hard Hats

A new smart helmet brings VR to the workplace.  Virtual Reality (VR) and “wearables” are all the rage now, but we expect the hype to subside at some point, and then we’ll start seeing products suitable for real-world applications. Sure, there is Glass and Oculus, but how can such devices move beyond gaming, marketing, (and...

xyHt Links: 9/5/14

Leica Cyclone 9.0 – A Major Leap in Laser Scanning Project Efficiency New Miniature Inertial Sensors  Trimble Puts More Spatial Data in the Hands of Geospatial Professionals

xyHt Links: 8/29/14

NovAtel Introduces New Commercially Exportable IMU Trimble Introduces State-of-the-Art Integrated Seismic and Geodetic System for Earth Sciences Supergeo to Release Forest Inventory App for Android Users Topcon releases new UAS for aerial mapping FAQ: Confusing terms explained” on DIY Drones Topcon technology used to create planned National Mall ‘facescape’ New Structural Engineering and Site Survey...

We Can Do This

“It was not a matter of ‘if’ we could do this project,” said Brian Mayfield, Atlantic’s president and chief operating officer. “It was a matter of how. Then there was the question of ‘Exactly how remote is Nunavut?’ What are the conditions, and what resources would be available?”  The proposed project site, in an uninhabited...
