
Field Hazards: A Two-Copperhead Tuesday

It’s hot, dang hot here in Georgia. It’s so hot, you wish somebody would hit you in the head with a wet squirrel and cool you off! As a 56-year-old registered surveyor/party chief/instrument man/rodman/cad tech and office cleaner, I’m tired, hot, mosquito bit, chigger infested, and Grand-Central-Station for all of the ticks trying to get...

xyHt Links: 9/26/14

Leica Lino L2G+ Cross-Line Laser: 400% Improved Visibility with Green Laser Technology Arithmetica Launches SphereVision 360 Degree Video Mapping Software New Portable NIR Spectrometer- QualitySpec® Trek, ASD Inc.  3D city models: “No longer just for the sake of it Falling Prices Will Spur Innovation, Competition in High-Precision GNSS Market from Inside GNSS MAPPS Awards 2014...

Transformation of Observations

Educate: Where Theory Meets Practice In previous articles I’ve discussed the reduction of conventional surveying observations to their geodetic equivalents. This article presents how these observations can be reduced to simple vector components that match GNSS surveyed baseline vectors. Unfortunately this transformation of conventional observations to GNSS baseline vectors involves three-dimensional rotations, so the mathematics will increase....

Mobile System Alerts Dubai Drivers of Approaching Sandstorms

Periodically, large sandstorms and low-visibility conditions wreak havoc in the Middle East, with potentially deadly consequences for drivers. In 2007, a sandstorm in Saudi Arabia caused a pileup involving about 80 cars. In 2008, low-visibility conditions caused a 200-car pileup on the border between Dubai and Abu Dhabi, killing about 25 people. In April 2012, a...

Aerial Imaging in Antarctica

It was quite an adventure: an all-or-nothing mission to map a research station in Antarctica. Like numerous countries around the world, Ecuador’s mapping agency, Instituto Geografico Militar (National Military Geographic Institute of Ecuador or IGM), is a technical institution within the country’s military establishment. The IGM is responsible for developing the national mapping and the geographic...

An Intro to Internet of Things

Internet of Things and Internet of Where-Things-Are Your field measurement instrument is connected to the internet as is your data collector; plus your phone and perhaps your watch; your home’s thermostat, security system, and lighting; your television, game consoles, entertainment system; your car, your kids, maybe even your dog’s collar; and soon, too, things like...
