Jake McCay

This entry is part 21 of 27 in the series December 2023/January 2024

24 Young Geospatial Professionals to Watch in 2024

Current position: Sales manager
Age: 34
Education: BS business management

McCay worked in sales at a several companies prior to joining LIDARUSA. For more than four years he has been head of sales at LIDARUSA. Starting with no knowledge of the industry, he was quick to pick up on lidar and photogrammetry, drones, SLAM, and all the lingo associated with the mapping industry.

During his time at LIDARUSA, McCay has been engaged in some TV shows promoting lidar technology. The more interesting shows were the Netflix Original “Pirate Gold of Adak Island,” which involved traveling to the far reaches of Alaska to a now desolate island. While they may have been searching for gold using a UAV-borne lidar system, what seems to have really struck home was the overabundance of bald eagles. They were a nuisance like seagulls at the beach.

The more recent exposure was with Josh Gates of “Expedition Unknown” an episode in which they were searching for Italy’s lost empire.

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