Tag Archives: @Dragons8mycat

Update: GeoBIM and 3D GeoInfo Conference
EuroSDR is a not-for-profit organization linking national mapping and cadastral agencies with research institutes and universities in Europe for the purpose of applied research in spatial data provision, management and delivery. Over the last few years they have ran several projects, one of particular interest being in the use of BIM (building information modeling) and geo-data in...

Using Object Detection for More Accurate Live Mapping
Almost a year ago today I was in a meeting where someone was telling me that the project we were working on needed to use LoRa positioning so that diggers and trucks could be tracked on a real-time map. I am not at liberty to give you my full response, but my professional response is...

ArcGIS Indoors
What is it, and how will it work? Mapping has traditionally been the task of visually charting big outdoor spaces with pretty hills that look great with a few contours around them. Throw in a bit of hillshade, and you have a cartophile’s dream. The location intelligence company Esri, that has driven the market to...

An Interview with Jack Dangermond
When I was invited by xyHt to attend the 2018 Esri User Conference, there was only one requirement: I had to interview Jack Dangermond, co-founder (with Laura Dangermond, his wife) of Esri. I was given a 15-minute interview slot on a Wednesday morning, which I hoped would be long enough to get a few big...

Global Mapper Review
Although I’ve been using GIS for more years than I can remember, until xyHt took me out to InterGeo I had never heard of Global Mapper. I thought I’d used every GIS there was; I’ve even used some that only a select few have ever heard of (StruMap anyone?). The market is saturated with GIS, and...

Using OpenStreetMap Basemaps with QGIS 3.0
QGIS 3 is a new wave of open source GIS. Not only is it extremely quick and efficient, allowing you to use almost every type of geospatial data you can throw at it, but it also includes a 3D renderer and ways to export your creations straight to the web. And let’s not forget the...