Category Archives: Surveying

Surveying in the Land of Penguins

The term one-man crew takes on new meaning in Antarctica. In 1841, a U.S. expedition mapped a portion of Antarctica, proving that it was a continent. Generations later, surveyors such as Corey Biddle continue to map and survey the area with the latest equipment. But sometimes the rough conditions in this frozen land–where GPS antenna...

The Hidden Corner, Warren Ward, PLS

Retracement: The Hidden Corner

The Art of Retracement The Old Man–Glenny Dale–paced slow and steady, picking his way through the ankle-bending sagebrush while enjoying its sweet, springtime smell. Eager (The Kid)–Igor Kidinsky–took a straight path along the old barb fence, crushing the twisted sage stems with solid stamps of his boots, lacking the patience of the old-timer. Four white-tailed...

Surveyors of Tomorrow: Following Familial Footsteps

Sometimes the most valuable and viable pool of recruits is sitting across from you at the dinner table. Some people have an affinity for surveying or a related field “in their blood,” and quite a few have it, literally, “in their bloodlines.” There are a lot of multi-generational practices. These are more common among small,...

What Is a Least Squares Adjustment Anyway?

Up to now I have talked about a least squares adjustment as if everyone knows what it involves. In this article, I discuss what a least squares adjustment is and what makes it so valuable in adjusting observational data. Note: Please click on the images below to see them or read our full issue to...

The Future of Surveying: National Image, Recruiting & Education

Forum on the Future of Surveying I’ll admit that I didn’t know what I was agreeing to (or getting myself into) when I accepted the offer to attend the second Forum on the Future of Surveying meeting to represent the NSPS Young Surveyors. I read the summary of the first forum meeting and was extremely...

Full Kit: xyHt Looks at Cutting-Edge Surveying Gear

Topcon releases a complete surveying suite. The release is timely. For forward-thinking firms trying to meet increased demand, two key challenges are staffing up and gearing up. Many firms that have not added crews or upgraded kit for more than a decade are looking to do both in a hurry. xyHt attended several surveying and...