Tag Archives: Technology

From Texas to the World
A $10 billion construction project will change the future of energy The task of getting clean, efficient energy created and distributed from Texas to the rest of the world is no small-or easy-task. And certainly not inexpensive. But the future of energy may well depend on the process of liquifying natural gas and shipping it...

Transforming the Surveying Profession
Surveying is experiencing a surge of technology that to some might seem detrimental, while others see it as an opportunity to expand into new service areas and achieve higher levels of productivity and profitability. In 2022 and beyond, the trend toward faster, more accurate data collection will continue, with a corresponding increase in the volume...

xyHt Weekly News Recap: 12/10/2021
Microsoft and Esri Deliver Centralized Satellite Image Analysis in Azure Orbital NSPS Scholarship Applications Available USGIF Launches 2022 Scholarship Campaign NVIDIA is Building a Digital Twin of the Earth Task Force to Review Connectivity and Technology Needs of Precision Agriculture Geo Week Early Bird Pricing Ends Dec. 17 One Year from Launch, U.S.-European Satellite...

Autonomy Comes to UAVs
Trending tech has UAV software looking futuristic To a certain degree, autonomous operations are already baked into the current state of data collection (aka reality capture) software for UAVs. Pre-mission planning consists of using a map-based interface to highlight the area that needs to be mapped or inspected, the appropriate flight pattern and height (AGL)...

Aerial Efficiency
With 174 miles of transmission line to capture and the need for fine detail images for inspection analysis, SkySkopes turned to a helicopter platform with a 100-megapixel (MP) camera to produce RGB photographs for quick project turnarounds.

xyHt Weekly News Links: 12/18/20
Japanese Space Company Offers Solution for Flood Damage Assessment Submit a Nomination for an Exemplary Women in Technology NSPS Offers Stolen Equipment Registry New Year, New Administration Same Ligado Stand-Off Phase One Unveils PAS 880 Aerial Camera System