All posts by Nicholas Duggan FRGS Cgeog (GIS)

No Job Is Too Big or Too Small

Alexandra Grounds, Founder & Director, Grounds Associates, Ltd. Editor’s note: In this year’s Outlook issue, we present trends in geospatial technologies and vision statements from key geospatial industry firms, but we also highlight smaller operations: the agile, tech-savvy, and talented practitioners and their teams. As the need for geospatial data and expertise grows, career paths...

ArcMap Multipatch

Calculating Geometry outside ArcGIS Pro

Let’s be clear: this isn’t a stab at the all-new, singing and dancing Esri software. This post is meant to help those who are using the software on a regular basis but finding issues with using the fields with multipatch data. Recently I’ve been working with calculating volumes of buildings that are multipatch data. For...

Server 2016 interface virtualization

Virtualization: the Greatest Tool You Don’t (Currently) Use

This post is dedicated to a good friend, Chris Johnson, who, when we worked together a few years back, introduced me to this cool new word: VIRTUALIZATION. You see, Chris is an IT guru (see: enterprise systems architect)—a friend that every GIS guru should have so that you’ve got someone to pick up the pieces...


How to Use the New QGIS 3D

When QGIS revealed that they were going to add a 3D viewer, I was skeptical. Rumors were going around about it being a bolt on functionality and not really being fully adopted. To be perfectly honest, I was put off before there was anything to look at. As screenshots started to appear from Lutra Consulting,...

The SD Moorfowl lifts a Highball from Loch Striven.

Recovering the Bouncing Bombs

Sidescan sonar helps a hydro survey team and a dive club find and raise the famous bouncing bombs from WWII. (Above: The SD Moorfowl lifts a Highball from Loch Striven.) As of May of 2018, it will be 75 years since the famous German dam buster raid by the Royal Air Force. The raid used...

The Problem with GIS and Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality

Over the last few years, altered realities technology has exploded, and now, with the introduction of Apple’s ARKit and Android’s ARCore, AR, MR, and VR are well within the reach of the non-developer. I can confirm this as I’ve created a few AR apps and MR apps myself over the last few months, with no experience...