Category Archives: Cartography

OS Zoomstack – the Gift that Keeps On Giving
On July 17 2018, Ordnance Survey (OS), the United Kingdom’s national mapping agency, released a trial of a product called “OS Zoomstack.” At the time many overlooked it, as Ordnance Survey makes lots of their data over 1:5000 available for free. I have to admit I was one of them. In August of last year,...

What’s within a 30-minute Walk – Revisited
I recently had reason to be in London for a short meeting and walked past London Bridge, looked at the sky around me, and thought, “I wonder how accurate that map I made last year is?” I was fortunate to have my camera phone with me so that I could take a few pictures. The...

Alice Gadney
Founder & President, Silver7 Mapping & Mini Map-Makers Bedford, England “Captain Alice” Gadney’s mission underscores much of the geospatial work done globally: “To help people understand the world around them and their need for a great communications tool—the map.” She applies this mission to her work with industries and organizations through her cartography company, Silver7...

Maptime – Grassroots Geo-learning
From beginners to experts: #maptime chapters worldwide provide opportunities for cartographers, mappers, geospatial practitioners—and anyone with an interest in maps—to learn from each other. The concept and impetus behind #maptime are very simple: people who create (or have an affinity for) maps and mapping getting together to share common interests, tips, tricks, and techniques. If...

Interview with Esri’s Ben Flanagan
Ever wonder who makes those maps you see in the newspaper? Ben has made maps for the Telegraph, the Guardian, and BBC News, and best of all (to me) he’s from the UK! Ben is like a ninja—not many people know about him but those that do are avid fans of his work. It was...

Interview with Esri’s John Nelson
A few years ago, John Nelson was relatively unknown in the public eye, but in the last year he has gained attention through work he’s been doing with Esri GIS software. Who would have thought you could recreate the Lord of the Rings maps or simulate paper or watercolors using Esri GIS? Theses are just...